Die Erfindung

The invention

The idea of ​​developing a breast pillow came about in 2017 after a medically necessary breast operation at the Pan Clinic in Cologne. My surgeon, Professor Warm, told me on the first day after the operation that I would not be allowed to lie on my stomach or side for the next 12 weeks. However, I didn't dwell on this idea because the chest pain was initially in the foreground. 

When the breast operation deprived me of the ability to lie on my stomach or side, I started to think about how and whether I could change that, because the constant lying on my back became unbearable for me after just a few days. Staying in that one lying position hurt so much that I spent half the night sitting in bed. 


When I asked why you shouldn't lie on your stomach after breast surgery, Prof. Warm told me that lying on your stomach itself wasn't a problem, the chest just shouldn't touch the mattress. 

I started by putting several pillows under me, but the first time I turned them they were immediately moved again. This is how the idea came about to cut myself a suitable pillow using foam and a special foam knife, on which I could lie comfortably on my stomach and finally get a restful sleep. I then fell asleep lying on my stomach with it, took it away after 2-3 hours and was able to sleep rested on my back for the rest of the night. I returned to the clinic with my “prototype pillow” to present it to my doctor. He was immediately enthusiastic because he carries out a lot of plastic surgery and was therefore familiar with the problem of not being able to lie on his stomach for almost 12 weeks from many of his patients. From that point on, everything took its course, rather unintentionally and not so planned (I'm a speech therapist and not a "pillow specialist"), but I still enjoyed the thought that this pillow could also be of good help to other women in the same situation. After numerous tests of my own and that of many other women, the pillow was further improved and additionally adapted to different body dimensions. Due to their use in clinical studies, women took the pillows with them to physiotherapy, massages and even tattoo studios so that they could lie on massage tables without pressure and pain. There was great demand from practice and studio owners. I was very pleased with the numerous positive feedback in the recent test phase. It gave me the courage and motivation I needed to continue working on this development and thus create a product that will make things much easier for many women. 

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